Monday, October 21, 2013


Another devil themed painting making it's appearance at Atomic Toybot for a few weeks is this little beauty... (the skull glows in the dark! SPOOKY)... 9"x12" acrylic on wood panel...


Toronto peeps... here is a new painting up at Atomic Toybot for their "Devil is in the Details" show... she is there for a few weeks... swoop in and check her out... 10"x10" acrylic on wood panel...

6 for $66 PAINTINGS

Here is a new little painting called "Dandy Skull", it is part of a series of paintings I will be doing this month priced at $66 (+ shipping)... just a little acrylic on wood panel... 8"x10"... check out here  SKULLUXE STORE if you are interested...