Here is a little step by step process of the skateboard I am doing for the upcoming Disposable show (see below for details).
Well, I decided to try a whole bunch of things I have never done before on this deck (not the smartest idea when you only have 1 blank to work with). Anyway, I found this image of an 60's biker that was just too cool to not use, so I converted it to halftones, printed it out on a laser copier and did a gel medium transfer directly onto the board. Since I have never done one before it was a learning experience... it took me 3 tries to get to the point where most of the image stayed on the board and didn't peel up. Then begins the long process of taking the backing paper off of the board without taking off the graphic... warm water, a sponge and a bunch of patience. Next up was also a new experience... gold leafing... pretty cool, but a mess... not very fun at all... I have a feeling I will be finding gold leaf in my rug and clothes for the next year...
Next up is some painting, then varnish and then off to the gallery... (it's due Friday... so I gotta motor on it)
Step 1: Applying the gel transfer medium
Step 2: Removing the backing paper to reveal the image
Step 3: Applying the gold leaf
stay tuned for next steps and the final product...
Absolutely Amazing!!! Glad you're involved in this show. Thanks again!
Hi Dan, I really like your work and hope that this interests you and your readers.
I am attempting to amass a large collection of portraits of Frankenstein's Monster in as many different styles and in as many different media as possible as an ongoing art project. The only stipulation is that the size is 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches (standard artist trading card size) and that each card has name, date, title and anything else you care to add on the back.
I welcome cards from both amateur and professional artists.
I will be leaving blank cards with instructions and mailing address in galleries, colleges, art shops, on buses, handing them out in the street and wherever else I can think of.
If you think you can spare the time to produce a little something, please send a portrait to:
A Patchwork Of Flesh
45 Silversea Drive
Westcliff on Sea
United Kingdom
Each card I receive will be uploaded at http://apatchworkofflesh.blogspot.com/ to produce an on-line gallery, I then hope to put on an exhibition of these cards in a gallery.
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